Speaking Opportunities

The V2X Business, Policy and Technology Forum UK will examine enabling technologies, market trends, regulatory considerations and business strategies for optimising V2X adoption in the UK and EU.
Charging network operators, DSOs, EVSE providers, auto OEMs and others who are interested in delivering a presentation, serving as session moderator, or participating on a panel discussion are welcome to submit a speaking proposal.
Guidelines for Submitting a Speaking Proposal
Proposals should include the following information:
1. Speaker name, title, company, and contact information
2. Presentation title (or title of panel session)
3. Abstract of presentation or panel session (150 words)
4. Speaker biography and photo
5. Bullet list of 4-5 Key Learning Points from the presentation or panel session
Proposals should be emailed to:
speak@smartgridobserver.com by Friday, 25 Ocotber.
Additional Guidance
- We ask that proposals be non-commercial in nature. Submissions will be carefully reviewed by the Program Advisory Group to ensure depth and relevance to the program.
- Presentations that emphasize case studies, best practices, and real-world results are encouraged.
Topics to be addressed include:
Driving consumer adoption of V2G: Identifying customer needs, driving behaviours, and propositions they are attracted to
Identifying and addressing barriers to innovating new products and services
Progress toward vehicle-to-home and vehicle-to-building in the UK
Improving and simplifying the DNO connection process for V2G chargers, and addressing cost issues
Achieving better visibility and monitoring of the LV network to allow for greater penetration of distributed resources, such as V2X
Technology advances and challenges: Enabling V2X charging to be scheduled, remotely controlled, and aggregated across multiple locations and devices
Achieving the scale-up of required enabling technologies for V2X
DNO perspectives on V2G challenges and opportunities
Use cases and business models for V2X applications
The role of DC microgrids in enabling V2X
Exploring monetisation opportunities to scale domestic V2G
Plans and programs for increasing consumer awareness of V2X
Regulatory and policy advances: Progress to date and hurdles to address
Standards, interoperability and grid integration issues - supporting the adoption of required standards
Evaluating the impact of bidirectional charging on EV battery life
Lowering the cost of V2X equipment for consumers
V2G in fleet charging scenarios
For further information or to discuss a possible presentation, please contact us.