According to Ofgem, the UK could have almost 11 million EVs on the road by 2030. If 50% of these vehicles were vehicle-to-grid (V2G) enabled, this would open up 22 TWh of flexible EV discharging capacity per year and could provide approximately 16GW of daily flexible capacity to the grid. The UK government plans to decarbonise the network by 2035, and EV batteries have a key role to play by providing energy during peak demand periods, contributing to grid stability by regulating frequency and voltage, and storing excess renewable energy for later use. In short, V2G has tremendous potential for enabling the renewables-centric UK grid of the future.

Organised by the Smart Grid Observer, the
V2X Business, Policy and Technology Forum UK, 18-19 February 2025 in London, will convene industry experts and utility professionals to discuss the potential, progress and hurdles facing widespread deployment of V2X in the UK. Results from V2X demonstrations and trials will be discussed with an eye toward refining business models and policies, identifying technologies, and overcoming current challenges facing V2G / V2X rollout in the UK and EU.
Topics to be Addressed Include:
- Technology advances and challenges: Enabling V2X charging to be scheduled, remotely controlled, and aggregated across multiple locations and devices
- Achieving the scale-up of required enabling technologies for V2X
- Driving V2G commercialisation: Identifying customer preferences and value propositions
- Addressing barriers to innovating new products and services
- Progress toward vehicle-to-home and vehicle-to-building in the UK
- Improving and simplifying the DNO connection process for V2G chargers, and addressing cost issues
- Achieving better visibility and monitoring of the LV network to allow for greater penetration of distributed resources, such as V2X
- Use cases and business models for V2X applications
- DNO perspectives on V2G challenges and opportunities
- The role of DC microgrids in enabling V2X
- Exploring monetisation opportunities to scale domestic V2G
- Plans and programs for increasing consumer awareness of V2X
- Regulatory and policy advances: Progress to date and hurdles to address
- Standards, interoperability and grid integration issues - supporting the adoption of required standards
- Evaluating the impact of bidirectional charging on EV battery life
- Lowering the cost of V2X equipment for consumers
- V2G in fleet charging scenarios
Forum Audience:
Charging network operators and developers
Charge point owners and manufacturers
DSOs and LV network engineers and planners
EV program managers and fleet owners
Charging station infrastructure providers
Consultants and system integrators
EV manufacturers and OEMs
Government, regulatory and standards professionals
Technology innovators and e-Mobility analysts
Energy storage, communications, and power control solutions providers
Urban planners and municipal transporation professionals
Testing and measurement companies
Renewable energy providers and technology vendors
Financial and venture capital professionals
Join us for in-depth information sharing and networking on the future of V2X in the UK. Register here