A Sample of Recent SGO Forums


"I have to say - this was one of the most engaged and fun discussions I've participated in to date! Thank you all for your wonderful insights!"     -- Maria S. Bocanegra, Commissioner, Illinois Commerce Commission

"Great conference with interesting topics and presentations from people who aren't necessarily tech people."
    -- Stacey Mansker-Young, Deputy CIO, City of Chicago


"Thanks. The content was awesome!"     -- Brendan Kelly, Director, Business Intelligence, Enerknoll

"Great learning and networking experience! It was great to get in touch with professionals with a large experience in DR."
    -- Gabriel de Oliveira, Market & Regulation Engineer, Engie Brasil Energia


"Excelent. 20 out of 20. The quality of spkeaker's presentations, the companies' projects and experiences, and their genuine position to share information and openess for further contacts."
    -- Guilherme Collares Pereira, A2E- Interantional Relations Director at EDP Renewables

"The conference was very insightful, I would rate it best."     -- Joe Lohose, CEO & Founder, Tech Power Services


"Great new topics and new information from presentations. Well done!"
    -- Steffen Ziegler, Director - Signal Analysis and AI, IMCORP

"Excellent conference, great presentations and Q&A. Great job holding a virtual conference in these difficult times!"
    -- Matt Haakenstad, Sr Director, Electric Services, World Kinect Energy Services