Dan Hancu, Carbon captures, storage and utilization expert

Mark L. Mckoy

Carbon Storage Technology Manager, Geologist/Environmental Advisor
Science & Technology Strategic Plans & Programs
National Energy Technology Laboratory

Mr. Mckoy holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from Georgia Southwestern College, a Master of Science degree in Geology from Dartmouth College, a Juris Doctorate degree from West Virginia University, and a year-plus of graduate level Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering course work from West Virginia University and the University of Washington. Along with his broad training, he has in aggregate more than 35 years of work experience: Georgia Department of Transportation; the Georgia Geological Survey; the West Virginia Geological & Economic Survey; and EG&G Technical Services of West Virginia, Inc.. For the past 29 years he has served the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), most recently as Supervisor for the Reservoir Engineering Team and Technology Manager for Carbon Storage.