Enabling Technologies, Regulatory and Business Models for Achieving the 100RE Vision

Companies and governmental bodies around the world are looking to cut carbon emissions and migrate toward 100% renewable energy sources -- not only for environmental reasons but economic as well. Clean energy is becoming a key focus at the board level, and sustainability is seen as essential for future business and growth. A growing number of top multinational organizations have achieved 100% renewables for their opertions, and the trend is spreading -- especially as companies emerge from the COVID-19 crisis.
100% Renewable Energy Virtual Symposium on Wednesday, January 27, 2021 brings together stakeholders from across the U.S. and internationally to examine the latest technology advances, case studies, and success strategies for making the transition to 100% renewables. Top industry executives, technology innovators, policy professionals and change strategists will share invaluable insights into making the goal of 100% RE a reality. The symposium offers a convenient and unique opportunity for commercial & industrial leaders to optimize their energy strategy, zero in on cost savings, and implement a realistic plan for moving to 100% renewables.
Topics to be Addressed Include:
- Scenarios & strategies for implementing 100% RE
- Business models and case studies to date
- Optimizing the energy mix and cutting costs
- Integrating rooftop and utility solar resources
- Building energy management advances
- Microgrids, mini-grids, and nano-grids
- Decarbonizing buildings and operations
- Electrification of transport
- Energy storage developments and applications
- Green building design, management, and advances
- Ensuring power quality and reliability
- Interacting with and transforming the Grid
- Public policy and regulatory advances
- C-level perspectives on renewable energy integration
- Leading the way toward carbon control success
- Implementation steps and timelines
100% Online, 100% Interactive

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GoToMeeting the secure virtual platform
allows for live interaction between speakers and fellow attendees via audio, video, chat and PowerPoint presentation. Attendees have the opportunity to view the attendee list and set up meetings & introductions with fellow registrants, facilitated by SGO.
Breaks between sessions allow for plenty of networking time, and streaming recordings of all presentations will be available post-confernece for on-demand viewing by registered participants.
- Senior Policy Advisors
- Commercial and Industrial Energy Executives, Strategists, COOs and CxOs
- Renewable Energy Procurement Professionals
- Investor-Owned, Co-Op, and Municipal Utility Executives
- Solar and Wind Project Developers
- Renewable Energy Finance and Investment Analysts
- Building Energy Management Operators
- Municipal and State Planners
- System Integrators and Consultants
- Renewable Energy Equipment and Software Vendors
- Research & Development Professionals
Be sure to join your peers for two days of in-depth information sharing and networking on the cutting edge of 100% RE. Register today and reserve your seat!
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