Moixa, the UK-based pioneer of smart battery and EV charging software, recently announced that its GridShare smart software is optimizing 100MWh of batteries across 10,000 homes in Japan. This is believed to be the largest single fleet of batteries under management in the world.
The milestone was achieved within one year of launching the GridShare Japan service with its partner ITOCHU, the Fortune 500 company. The partnership has resulted in ITOCHU's share of the domestic battery market rising to nearly 20%.
Simon Daniel, CEO of Moixa, said: "We want to accelerate the global transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Smart charging of batteries in homes and electric vehicles provides the critical tool to help achieve decarbonization by storing and shifting solar and wind-resources. At the same time, it helps save money for consumers and reduce infrastructure cost."
Moixa's GridShare software is designed to enable aggregation and smart charging of batteries to grid signals. This provides additional value from aggregating battery fleets to provide GWh scale virtual power plants to help balance the grid. Moixa notes that the company's experience gained from managing the world's largest fleet of bi-directional batteries provides a blueprint for how to smart charge fleets of batteries and apply the technology to smart charge electric vehicles or any "battery on wheels".
Honda has selected Moixa as its European smart charging partner to leverage this experience to support the rapid growth of electric vehicles across Europe. Moixa has also launched a smart battery partnership in Ireland with Energia.
GridShare is supported by numerous international patents, including recent patent grants in the US, EU and Australia.
AI: saving money and cutting carbon
Moixa's GridShare software embeds artificial intelligence into home batteries and EV chargers. By learning energy consumption patterns and developing tailored charging plans for each household and vehicle battery, GridShare is designed to save customers money and help reduce their carbon emissions by optimizing daily and to real-time markets.
By enabling fleets of assets to react to various signals, such as pricing or constraints, it is also designed to provide valuable flexibility services to local energy networks, enabling improved economics to partners and customers, and a cleaner, smarter energy system.
Moixa has gathered and analyzed over 50 terabytes of data to date on household consumption, generation patterns, weather predictions, energy tariff costs, battery performance and savings, enabling increasingly accurate predictions and improved battery optimization. This is thought to be more than any other company worldwide.
Honda energy management solutions business
In March 2019, Honda and Moixa unveiled a partnership to deliver an energy management solutions business for Europe that creates increased value for EV customers and power system operators, due to be rolled out in 2020.
More than 1.5 million electric vehicles are expected on European roads by 2025, growing from 2 - 9% of all market share.[1] Honda alone aims to electrify 100% of its European fleet by 2022.
In October, Honda announced a partnership with Vattenfall to roll out a new domestic electric vehicle solution in the UK and Germany in 2020. Honda also has partnerships with Ubritricity and EVTEC.