Virtual Power Plant Forum
November 19-20, 2024 | San Francisco

energy storage conference

Speaking Opportunities

VPP Forum The program of speakers and sessions for the November 2024 Forum is currently in development.

Industry professionals who are interested in delivering a stand-alone, 30-minute presentation or organizing and moderating a 60-90 minute panel session are encouraged to submit a proposal to by Friday, August 23, 2024.

Guidelines for Submitting a Proposal

Speaking proposals should include the following:
    1. Speaker name, title, company, and contact information
    2. Presentation title
    3. Abstract of presentation (150 words)
    4. Speaker biography and photo
    5. Bullet list of 3-4 Key Takeaway Points
Additional Guidance
  • We ask that proposals be non-commercial in nature. All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Advisory Group prior to formal acceptance into the program. The goal is to ensure depth of information, obectivity and relevance to the Forum.

  • This is an interactive, discussion-oriented Forum in which Q&A participation among attendees is highly encouraged.

  • Presentations that include a utility co-presenter and/or emphasize case studies, best practices, and real-world results are especially welcome.
Topics to be addressed include:

  • Role of VPPs in a long-term strategy for energy resiliency
  • The state of enabling technologies and business models for all stakeholders
  • Accommodating electrification load growth and more intermittent renewable energy on the grid
  • Evolution of VPP implementations and projects
  • Real-world case studies of VPP success - lessons learned to date
  • VPP strategies for meeting reliability needs and reducing energy costs
  • Re-envisioning the customer relationship and empowering the energy end user
  • Leveraging VPPs to deliver cost savings, grid resiliency, flexibility and climate benefits
  • The process for solar companies to become VPP co-developers
  • Going beyond solar Net Metering and backup power: Actively orchestrating grid edge and customer-owned BTM assets
  • Satisfying changing requirements for resource adequacy
  • Regulatory and policy issues affecting VPPs, including FERC Order 2222
  • Cooperation between utilities and aggregators for effective VPP implementations
  • Providing cost-effective ancillary services to RTOs/ISOs
  • Going beyond DERMS to fully orchestrated, system-wide control platforms
  • Integration with existing infrastructure and systems
  • Control and communication methods between grid operators, VPP operators and DERs
  • Utilizing DER aggregations to promote decarbonization of the power sector
  • Standards issues and progress: ensuring device interoperability
  • Best practices and roadmaps for future growth and success

    For further information or to discuss a proposal, please contact us.