VPP Forum 2024

Positioning the Energy Network for a Decarbonized, Decentralized Future

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, coincident peak demand on the grid will rise approximately 60 GW over the next six years, from roughly 740 GW to 800 GW. At the same time, fossil assets are retiring. Roughly 200 GW of peak-coincident demand must be served with new resources coming online by 2030. Tripling the current scale of Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) could address 10-20% of this expanding demand. This could avoid about $10B in annual grid costs, and much of the money that is spent on VPPs would flow back to participating consumers.

VPP conference
To help utilities and other industry stakeholders capitalize on this trend, the Virtual Power Plant Forum, November 19-20 in San Francisco, examines the latest technology advances, VPP deployments, and lessons learned to date from real-world case studies. The emphasis is on key enabling technologies, business models and policy developments that allow energy providers to capitalize on the VPP model. The Forum is a focused networking and information-sharing opportunity in which industry executives can envision, develop and refine their VPP strategy going forward.

Topics to be addressed include:

  • Role of VPPs in a long-term strategy for energy resiliency
  • The state of enabling technologies and business models for all stakeholders
  • Accommodating electrification load growth and more intermittent renewable energy on the grid
  • Evolution of VPP implementations and projects
  • Real-world case studies of VPP success - lessons learned to date
  • VPP strategies for meeting reliability needs and reducing energy costs
  • Re-envisioning the customer relationship and empowering the energy end user
  • Leveraging VPPs to deliver cost savings, grid resiliency, flexibility and climate benefits
  • The process for solar companies to become VPP co-developers
  • Going beyond solar Net Metering and backup power: Actively orchestrating grid edge and customer-owned BTM assets
  • Satisfying changing requirements for resource adequacy
  • Regulatory and policy issues affecting VPPs, including FERC Order 2222
  • Cooperation between utilities and aggregators for effective VPP implementations
  • Providing cost-effective ancillary services to RTOs/ISOs
  • Going beyond DERMS to fully orchestrated, system-wide control platforms
  • Integration with existing infrastructure and systems
  • Control and communication methods between grid operators, VPP operators and DERs
  • Utilizing DER aggregations to promote decarbonization of the power sector
  • Standards issues and progress: ensuring device interoperability
  • Best practices and roadmaps for future growth and success
  • And more

In-Depth Discussion and Information Sharing: The interactive format of the Forum fosters group discussion among peers of key opportunities, challenges and strategies

Utility and Aggregator Focus: The forum will zero in on issues of special relevance to electric utilities and other energy aggregators in the U.S. centered on the VPP market

Objective & Authoritative: The agenda is driven by industry practitioners and executives at U.S. utilities and technology innovators -- learn from the leaders

One-to-One Networking: Ample time is reserved for quality networking among Forum attendees -- forge new relationships with top players in the critical VPP marketspace

Who Should Attend?

  • Energy professionals at municipal, investor-owned, and rural utilities
  • DER and demand response aggregators
  • Energy managers at commercial and industrial end-user organizations
  • Regional transmission system operators
  • Curtailment service providers
  • Building energy management (BEM) companies
  • Regulators and government policy makers
  • IT and software providers
  • Smart grid technology providers and network operators
  • Communications network service providers and vendors
  • Financial and venture capital professionals
  • Consultants and system integrators
  • Researchers and market analysts

San Francisco
San Francisco Marriott Marquis

55 4th St, San Francisco

Be sure to join your colleagues in San Francisco for in-depth information sharing and networking on the cutting edge of VPPs
Register today!

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