
Previous Agenda

Note: Below is the agenda from the July 2024 edition in Chicago. The agenda for July 2025 in San Diego is currently in devleopment. If interested in speaking, please see the Call for Speakers
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

8:00 - 9:00 am
Welcome coffee and registration

9:00 - 9:30 am
Viewing EV Charging Network as Mission-Critical Infrastructure

The two major challenges facing EV charging are availability and reliability. We must solve these two problems in order to provide the foundation to accelerate adoption of EVs over the next 10 years. A more reliable and resilient EV charging network is fundamental for the continued, accelerating growth and adoption of EVs. We have a massive push in the U.S. to get the chargers out there, and solve the availability problem, but we are not seeing a systematic approach to the ongoing maintenance and break/fix needs of this infrastructure. If we change mindset and start thinking about the EV charging infrastructure as critical infrastructure, then we will approach it in a way to build what we need for the future.

Chris Hutter
Chris Hutter
National Power

9:30 - 10:30 am
Peak EV Demand: Dynamics of Impacts on the T&D Networks

Akhilesh Ramakrishnan
Akhilesh Ramakrishnan
Managing Energy Associate
The Brattle Group

Cristina Botero
Cristina Botero
Senior Manager, Beneficial Electrification (BE)

Stephanie Ross
Stephanie Ross
Data Scientist

10:30 - 11:00 am
Networking Coffee Break

11:00 - 11:30 am
Empowering Fleet Electrification: Scaling Charging Networks to Meet Medium and Heavy-Duty Fleet Demands

The International Council on Clean Transportation says that nearly 700,000 chargers will be needed nationwide to accommodate the 1 million medium- and heavy-duty zero-emission vehicles expected to be deployed by 2030. However, a lack of widespread charging infrastructure for commercial vehicles has stunted the goal of meeting this demand. This session will examine how strategically building charging sites along key U.S. routes will meet the evolving needs of electrified fleets and improve supply chains as a whole. Greenlane is already building out a commercial EV charging corridor from Los Angeles to Las Vegas.

Key Learning Points
  • Importance of scaling charging networks to meet the demands of medium and heavy-duty fleets as a crucial step in enabling the electrification of the trucking industry
  • Why it is key to recognize the unique needs of medium and heavy-duty fleets through tailored charging solutions for seamless fleet operations is to achieve true implementation of fleet electrification on the first try
  • How fleet electrification is impacted by federal and EPA programs
  • How a nation-wide, end-to-end charging corridor and associated amenities will enhance driver experience for truck drivers

Patrick Macdonald-King
Patrick Macdonald-King

11:30 - 12:00 pm
The Importance of Used BEVs to the Entire EV Industry

During this presentation we will discuss the significance of the Used EV market to the overall health and growth of the EV industry. We will discuss industry trends and analysis comparing new EVs sold to preowned EVs and what it means for consumer confidence, resale value, what some OEMs are doing to build their own residuals to feed their CPO programs, and the impact of the independent dealer industry. We will also show how the industry is evolving to support the used EV market and why it matters to new EV sales.

Bill Bieser
Bill Bieser
COO / VP OEM/Automotive Partnerships
GenZ EV Solutions

12:00 - 1:00 pm
TRACK A -- LaSalle Ballroom

1:00 - 2:30 pm
National Insights and Lessons from the Illinois NEVI Formula Program

A deep dive into NEVI Formula Program strategic planning and implementation through a multi-lens view of the Illinois Department of Transportation's first round goals, evaluation criteria, and award process. This panel discussion will look at the timeline and steps for program application, key factors the State considered in determining eligible costs, sites, and requirements for selected vendors, as well as how these new DC fast charge stations integrate into the larger goals of Drive Electric Illinois. Additional topics include considerations for equitable charging access and site host profitability. Through this discussion, attendees will gain perspective on NEVI site selection, funding applications, and lessons learned to inform future funding rounds in Illinois and nationwide.

Key Takeaways:
  • Unique aspects of the EV landscape in Illinois and how state agencies coordinated to develop an EV ecosystem in Illinois
  • IDOT key priorities in implementing the first round of the NEVI program, and initial thoughts about future phases of EV charging deployment
  • Key data and performance measures for tracking progress of EV charging deployment (including equity in EV deployment)
  • Key factors that were, and will be, considered in determining awards
  • Lessons that can be carried forward for future NEVI funding rounds across the United States

Derek Jones
Derek Jones
Energy Sustainability & Infrastructure Practice

Elizabeth Irvin
Elizabeth Irvin
Deputy Director, Office of Planning and Programming
Illinois Department of Transportation

Jack Cruikshank
Jack Cruikshank
Electric Vehicle Program Administrator
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency

Julia Hage
Julia Hage
Associate, Transportation
Center for Neighborhood Technology

Rohan Puri
Rohan Puri
Co-Founder & CEO
Stable Auto
TRACK B -- State Room

1:00 - 1:30 pm
Actionable EV Charging Insights Enabled by Power Quality Monitoring

Are you aware of the operational influences and potential system stresses the electrification of EV has on the power system? The ongoing deployments of EV charging infrastructure introduces new power system complexities that can impact stability and resiliency of the electrical system. This session will dive into the importance of visibility and actionable information gained from monitoring power quality at EV charging sites.

Key Takeaways:
  • What is power quality and why does it matter?
  • How power quality data can provide insights into the electrical health of your EV charging operation
  • Detecting and correcting power quality disruptions reactively and proactively

Nick Nakamura
Nick Nakamura
Director of Sales

1:30 - 2:00 pm
Novel Approach to Increasing EV Charging Reliability

The lack of reliability for public EV chargers has become a hot topic over the last couple of years. EV chargers must become more reliable for consumers to have confidence in purchasing an EV and the country to meet its emissions reductions targets. Just sending an electrician or just monitoring a network are not going to work - new and novel approaches to increasing reliability are needed. ChargerHelp has taken a unique approach to guaranteeing reliability by having full-time EVSE technicians across the country working on Service Level Agreements (to ensure proper response time), collecting data on all of their interactions with EV chargers, and utilizing that data to recognize patterns that can be replicated and lead to faster resolutions to charger issues.

Key Learning Point:
  • Why EV charging reliability is so bad
  • Solutions to EV charger downtime
  • What owners of EV chargers should look for in vendors
  • The workforce needed to maintain EV charger reliability

Brett Steudle
Brett Steudle
Account Executive - Utilities

2:00 - 2:30 pm
EV Everywhere: AI Solutions for Integrating EVs into the Smart Grid

This session explores innovative strategies and technologies for helping utilities address increased EV charging demand in the smart grid. With the global push towards sustainability, the energy sector faces the dual challenge of increasing renewable energy adoption and integrating a growing number of EVs without compromising grid reliability. We will discuss how BluWave-ai's platform addresses these challenges. The session will highlight the collaboration between BluWave-ai, Hydro Ottawa, and IESO, showcasing the potential for scalable solutions that enhance grid efficiency, reduce carbon emissions, and facilitate the widespread adoption of EVs.

Key Learning Points:
  • The critical role of AI in optimizing the integration of EVs into the smart grid for enhanced grid reliability and efficiency
  • Strategies for leveraging intelligent EV charging to balance demand and supply in the energy grid
  • The importance of industry collaboration, as demonstrated by the partnership between BluWave-ai, Hydro Ottawa, and IESO, in driving innovation and scalability in smart grid technologies
  • Future trends in smart cities and the broader implications of AI on sustainable energy solutions and societal change

Alex Linchieh
Alex Linchieh
Associate Director of Product Management

2:30 - 3:00 pm
Networking Coffee Break
TRACK A -- LaSalle Ballroom

3:00 - 4:00 pm
Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) and How It Will Revolutionize the Way We Will Use EVs with the Power Grid

V2G has the potential to revolutionize the way we use electric vehicles as DERs with our power grid. However, it is still in its early stages. This session will dive deep into this emerging technology and share the major implications, value, and incredible benefits it will provide for the future of EVs with our changing power grid architecture.

We will explore:
  • DERs defined
  • Changing grid architecture
  • EVs role as DERs
  • Balancing the grid with V2G-enabled EV / EVSE
  • V2G compliance standards
  • Overcoming test challenges for V2G and DERs

James Duffy
James Duffy
Business Development Manager, Automotive & Energy Solutions
Keysight Technologies

Timothy Zgonena
Timothy Zgonena
Principal Engineer
TRACK B -- State Room

3:00 - 3:30 pm
Utilizing Digital Twin Technology to See the Future Impact of Fleet Charging on the Grid

As fleets go beyond pilot projects and scale EV deployments, the complexity of planning and managing electric fleets has become more pronounced. Due to the pace at which ZEV technology is evolving, many organizations do an initial plan, but the next year that plan is out of date. A continuous planning framework is essential, which requires a dynamic approach. One way fleets are making their future energy consumption predictions more accurate is through the use of digital twin technology, which enables the ability to do advanced data simulations. With a digital twin of a fleet, scenarios can be run on the simulated fleet to understand the different impacts that various charging activities may have on a fleet and the grid.

This technology can not only be used to help a fleet plan their transition, but can provide better information back to utilities so they can more accurately predict the impact of EVs on the grid as zero emission fleets scale and ensure infrastructure projects are done efficiently. Real world examples of this approach helping utilities in North America and Australia will be discussed in this session.

Sasha Pejcic
Sasha Pejcic
Managing Partner, North America

3:30 - 4:00 pm
Plugging into Charging Needs at Lower-Income Multifamily Housing

The recent wave of market-driven and government investments has increased public charging in the US, but such access largely remains concentrated in higher-income localities where EV ownership is already high. For electric micromobility to gain widespread acceptance and adoption, charging infrastructure must be accessible wherever all people live, work, and drive. Addressing lower-income multifamily communities' barriers to charging access means centering their voices in charging and e-mobility solutions. RMI partnered with city government, utilities, multifamily building managers, EV and other transportation providers, and advocates in Atlanta, Phoenix, and Portland to drive community-led expansion of equitable charging access. This presentation will share those engagement-identified solutions, key learnings from shared electric mobility options explored to meet multifamily residents' needs, and the methods RMI and participating stakeholders used to pinpoint utility, public, and third-party incentives to offset the cost of installing and operating new charging.

Key Focus Areas:
  • Prioritize community needs, engagement, and affordability
  • Plan and implement complementary mobility solutions
  • Form meaningful and inclusive local partnerships
  • Design for the local context and emphasize reliability
  • Develop an incremental change approach

Aradhana Gahlaut
Aradhana Gahlaut
Senior Associate
TRACK A -- LaSalle Ballroom

4:00 - 4:30 pm
The V2G Potential of Wireless EV Charging

Wireless EV charging is a technology that enables Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) applications, which can help create a more sustainable and stable energy grid. Unlike conductive chargers, which require the EV to be plugged in, wireless chargers automatically connect when the vehicle is parked over the receiver, ensuring that the EV can contribute to the grid even if the driver forgets to plug it in. Because the grid may demand power at various times, the "always connected" nature of wireless charging means there will be no missed V2G opportunities. Now, EV owners can take part in the many advantages that V2G charging provides, including powering the grid, the home and appliances, even if their particular EV is not equipped with V2G technology.

Key Learning Points:
  • Wireless charging means recharging just by parking
  • Making the electrification experience more human, more inviting, more accessible
  • Current state of hardware and software deployment to allow V2G
  • Potential of wireless EV charging technology to enable V2G charging
  • Unlocking not just a greener grid but tremendous economic value for EV owners

Pamposh Zutshi
Pamposh Zutshi
Senior Director of Product Management
TRACK B -- State Room

4:00 - 4:30 pm
Marking and Protecting DC lines to Keep Chargers Charging and Consumers Happy

You dotted your I's and crossed your T's... wait what did you do to stop third-party excavators from knocking out your power grid? This session will review root cause of utility line strikes, current industry practices, review national data, the technologies available & historical factors used to reduce the number of utility line strikes. There is no vanilla solution in utility line strike prevention. The session will do a deep dive in compliance vs safety and a comprehensive discussion on a proactive approach to protecting your underground lines. At the end of this session attendees will have the information needed to create a thorough company utility damage prevention strategy.

Key Learning Points:
  • Full understanding of consequences of vulnerable utilities and the effect on bottom line
  • Analyze/Review current Mark, Map, Protect & Locate plan
  • Resources to support your plan
  • Value proactive damage prevention to reactive

Denise M. Elliott
Denise M. Elliott
Damage Prevention Specialist, Electrical Markets Division
TRACK A -- LaSalle Ballroom

4:30 - 5:00 pm
How Autonomous Robots Will Revolutionize Charging Infrastructure

In this session we will explore the idea of mobile charging using autonomous robots to charge from a stationary energy source and discharge into EVs parked in any space. This approach removes the CAPEX requirement of building infrastructure that is fixed for the life of the asset and is not easily scalable. Instead, robots can be deployed on demand, depending on the needs of the parking operator. We will explore:
  • The charging landscape (single family to DCFC), and where a robotic approach adds unique value
  • The difference between wireless and mobile charging, and why they address different use cases
  • How can autonomous charging systems work without user intervention

Tim Meyer
Tim Meyer
Chief Technical Advisor
Inductive Robotics

5:15 - 6:45 pm
Networking Drink Reception
Wednesday, July 17, 2024

8:00 - 9:00 am
Morning coffee

9:00 - 9:30 am
Critical Shifts & Evolving Landscape: Strategic Analysis of the US Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Market

This session will delve into the impact of existing incentive programs for EV update, identifying both the challenges and opportunities facing the industry. We will examine the anticipated market trajectory post-2024 federal election, scrutinize the implications of increased tariffs on Chinese imports for the US EV sector, and assess the strategic shifts resulting from Tesla's recent restructuring. This exploration of critical factors shaping the future of the EV charging infrastructure market will provide valuable insights for stakeholders and policymakers alike.

Michael Sheppard
Michael Sheppard
Chief Executive Officer
PTR Inc.

9:30 - 10:30 am
The Interface Between Auto OEMs and Utilities - Who Owns the Customer?

This panel will include representatives from a utility (Xcel Energy), automakers (Alliance for Automotive Innovation), and an managed charging provider (WeaveGrid) to discuss the collaboration needed amongst them to achieve the best outcomes for each of party and ultimately for customers. We will be digging into the differences in their business models and value propositions and how they can leverage their strengths to better serve growing EV demand, and where there may be frictions that need to be resolved, including access to the ultimate customer, handling of data, and existing revenue streams.

Michael Hagerty
J. Michael Hagerty
The Brattle Group

Lucas Roach, Xcel Energy
Lucas Roach
Senior EV Product Portfolio Manager
Xcel Energy

Tom Miller
Tom Miller
Senior Director, Energy and Environment Policy
Alliance for Automotive Innovation

Kendall Cody
Kendall Cody
Senior Manager

10:30 - 11:00 am
Networking Coffee Break

11:00 - 11:30 am
Ensuring the State of Workforce Readiness for EV Charging

This session will examine the state of workforce readiness for EV charging installations in the Midwest, and what needs to be done to make sure we are ready to meet the coming need for infrastructure installations.
  • What do we need to do to make sure the workforce is prepared to meet hefty clean energy goals?
  • Why is it important to work with contractors who are based in the Midwest for long-term service and maintenance?
  • What should you look for in an EVSE installer and why does it matter in terms of public safety?

Elbert Walters III
Elbert Walters III
Executive Director
Powering Chicago

11:30 - 12:00 pm
Best of Both Worlds: Ensuring Grid Security While Oversubscribing Your EV Charging Site

Oversubscription (installing more chargers than the grid can fully support) is critical for the success, efficiency, and future planning of EV charging sites. By oversubscribing, charging site owners can move projects along while avoiding a bottleneck from the utility improvement process. As of late last year, Ampcontrol is the only EV company to receive the UL 60730-1 certification, which defines reliable automatic electrical controls for electric equipment. In this session we will dive into how oversubscription is a game changer for EV charging site owners looking to avoid timely utility delays. The presentation will also explain safe site load management, how Ampcontrol received the UL certification 60730-1, and why other smart charging management providers should pursue the certification to improve grid security in preparation for an EV-centered future.

Key Focus Areas:
  • Problems we see when fleet operators electrify their fleet
  • How UL 60730-1 certification addresses grid constraints and high charger downtime
  • Perspective and process of smart charging management providers looking into the UL certification
  • Impact on the EV industry (time/cost savings, accelerate EV installs, and similar)

Joachim Lohse
Joachim Lohse
Founder and CEO

12:00 - 1:00 pm

1:00 - 1:30 pm
Best Practices in AC Power Distribution and Protection for EV Charging

EV Charging is done by providing DC power to a vehicle. The DC power must come from a source. That source may be solar or some other form of alternative energy. But most often it originates from a commercial or residential AC power source. There are many things to take into consideration when connecting an EV charger to an AC power source. This session will focus on AC power distribution and protection of charging stations with multiple EV chargers. Its important to utilize an AC source that can support the maximum desired DC power output. This can often mean installing a new AC power panel or Power Protection Cabinet (PPC). Its important to select the correct AC panel or PPC to achieve compliance with the National Electric Code. In addition, choosing the proper AC source will ensure the safety of the people installing and operating the EV chargers. Including surge and overvoltage protection will keep the expensive and sensitive EV chargers and vehicles free from damage caused by power quality problems and lightning events.

Key Takeaways:
  • Learn about applicable codes and standards for EV charge station power distribution
  • Gain an understanding of safety requirements for AC Power sources
  • Get tips on power planning for future expansion
  • Review the need from surge, overvoltage protection and grounding

Jason Mies
Jason Mies
Director of Industrial Sales

1:30 - 2:00 pm
Powering the Future: Accelerating EV Adoption with Innovative Charging Solutions

The shift towards electric vehicles and zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) is key to decarbonizing transportation. By 2030, America may need 1.2 million public EV chargers and 28 million private ones, 20 times more than current numbers, to meet federal targets. Despite urban areas adapting, many U.S. regions lack infrastructure, creating "range anxiety" and hindering electric long-haul trucking. Innovations like hybrid storage systems offer solutions by using renewable energy for localized electricity generation. One such pioneering approach, hydrogen-based Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES), combines hydrogen storage with solar energy, promising sustainable, grid-independent energy for EV charging across various locations. With demonstrated capabilities and competitive costs, such hydrogen storage solutions are being explored at U.S. charging stations, supporting a comprehensive, sustainable charging infrastructure for ZEVs and facilitating wider electric vehicle adoption.

This session will examine case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of hydrogen storage solutions in establishing a comprehensive EV charging network across diverse locations.

Alex Ivanenko
Dr. Alex Ivanenko
Founder & CEO

2:00 - 2:30 pm
Full Charge Ahead: Enabling Ultra-fast Charging on Today's Power-Limited Grids

As EVs become more widely available and affordable, the demand for fast, convenient charging is increasing significantly. However, the need for high-output fast-charging stations is hindered by the limitations of the electrical power grid which could put the brakes on the EV transition. Attendees of this session will learn about:
  • How a new, battery-buffered approach to ultra-fast EV charging will allow charging network operators to offer fast and dependable charging today on existing power-limited grids without additional infrastructure upgrades and by cutting peak power demand by 65% compared to common DC-chargers.

  • The opportunity for cities and local governments, EV providers, convenience store owners, commercial businesses, and urban developers to capitalize on blueprints from European counterparts to maximize infrastructure rollout plans.

  • Best practices from real-world use-case highlighting examples from Porsche dealerships and a deployment at a multifamily residential building in Florida.

Michael Spurr
Michael Spurr
Public Affairs Manager
ADS-TEC Energy

2:30 - 2:45 pm
Coffee Break

2:45 - 3:15 pm
Using AI to Accelerate EV Charging Infrastructure Deployment

In this presentation, we will discuss how artificial intelligence can be used to accelerate the deployment of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. AI can play a vital role in identifying optimal locations for charging stations, optimizing charging station utilization, streamlining site designs, and improving the overall efficiency of the EV charging ecosystem. By leveraging AI, we can help to ensure that EV charging infrastructure is deployed in a timely and cost-effective manner, supporting the widespread adoption of electric vehicles.

Key Takeaways:
  • The Challenge of EV Charging Infrastructure Deployment: Identifying optimal locations for charging stations, Ensuring that charging stations are utilized efficiently, Providing a seamless and convenient charging experience for EV drivers.

  • Interconnection and Permitting Challenges: How grid interconnection needs to change using flexible load capacity, mapping distribution feeders, and analyzing permits and subsidies in an ever changing regulatory landscape

  • How AI Can Help: using ML to predict site utilization, dynamic pricing for setting prices, and GenAI for site designs, construction drawings, and 3D rendering

Lucas Ackerknecht
Lucas Ackerknecht
CEO & Co-Founder
Alpha Grid

3:15 - 3:45 pm
Breaking the Utility Bottleneck for Fleet Electrification with On-site Generation

Customer timelines for fleet electrification are often delayed by the large amounts of power required and the utility's inability to service due to capacity restraints, infrastructure upgrade costs and timing. These delays can impose multi-year delays and cost millions of dollars. The lost time for fleet electrification can have serious impacts on a customer's timing to replace fleet assets and take advantage of Federal and State incentives. Capstone Engineered Solutions has helped dozens of clients with their power needs ahead of the utility, bridging the infrastructure gap for electrification. We will present two case studies from Fortune 100 clients that chose on-site, clean generation as an alternative to grid power. In one case, a client rented units until utility upgrades could be completed to meet their tenet's needs for EV charging, in another a customer rented on-site generation and then purchased a unit for permanent installation as grid delays increased.

On-site generation provides a cost effective and environmentally friendly alternative to grid power for EV charging and allows customers to prioritize electrification needs outside utility limitations.

Roman Fontes
Roman Fontes
Capstone Engineered Solutions

3:45 - 4:15 pm
Coordinating ZEV Infrastructure Investment: Making Sense of New Funding, and Adopting New Strategies

New Federal funding for electric refueling infrastructure represents a huge opportunity to galvanize end user acceptance of zero emission vehicles. But government and industry are being tapped to coordinate this transition as never before, especially in the historically neglected goods movement space where pressure is intensifying on achieving environmental goals and realizing emissions reductions. This session will provide an orientation to the new Federal funds for commercial ZEV infrastructure and the U.S. National Zero Emission Freight Corridor Strategy, and outline the opportunities they offer for integrating collaborative solutions to infrastructure investment problems.

Michael Joseph
Michael Joseph
Program Manager